Tuesday, September 29

this is meant to be funny

And it is. Unfortunately, I can also see many, many parallels between it and me.


under 'you know you're EDNOS when:'

.. you gain and lose the same five pounds in one week

.. one day's calories can be multiplied by 10 to get the next day's

.. you laugh at the idea of a 'balanced diet'

.. you stare at the cupboard for fifteen minutes and then walk away from it pissed at yourself for wanting to eat. Ten minutes later you return, depressed, and eat the most high calorie food there.

.. you know the calorie content of everything that goes into your mouth, but you still eat it

.. you skip breakfast and lunch, drink three bottles of water, and then eat the entire contents of your kitchen for dinner

.. you have been bingeing for three days straight while planning an eight day fast.



  1. i just went and read it
    im so there with you lol
    gotta laugh at the madness

    .. you have to know the calorie content of everything that goes into your mouth, but you still eat it

    i today worked out the calorie content if a single square of chocolate without calculator it took a while(info was only per 100g bar was 135g) i still then proceeded to eat most of the bar

    balanced diet has to be the funnyest thought ever tho


  2. I love that, it's totally something I'd do.

    Today, I had an Oreo. There was another one. I went to eat it. Someone told me the fat content per biscuit. I went into shock, and felt a little sick. I then ate the other one. !?. Afterwards, I felt even more sick, and not because it was overly sweet, simply because I'm a disgustingly fat bint. Uggghh I wish things like that didn't make me feel so damned bad.
