Saturday, January 30

i'm going into AA

That's Aspartame Anonymous, by the way.

That was my kitchen table, sometime in May. I don't think there has been any less Diet Coke than that in the house at any point since then. I drank two litres in the past two days. I know I've been flat out addicted to it since I was, oh, yay high, but this is taking it to a whole new extreme.

I also really want these 'maternity hareem PJ bottoms' I found on the Topshop website today. They sound so comfy. It's a shame I'm not

a) pregnant (what a joke, of course that's not a shame)
b) able to sleep in long PJ bottoms (far too hot)
c) about to be seen dead in hareem pants (well, that's just common sense!)


  1. I should join AA too. I loved A) pregnant (what a joke..) killed me. I feel the exact same way =)

  2. I should also join AA. It is an addiction... I'm pretty sure my body is 60% diet coke, rather than 60% water, or whatever the percentage is.

    I somehow managed to miss your blog about your sexual exploits. But I just read it, and it made me laugh. You should never, ever, stop blogging. I adore your posts.

    I'm sorry to hear you and Man broke up. I hope you are okay now, and feeling better. Drown your sorrows with diet coke.

